Just want to sing pretty songs to my wife until we are old and wrinkly

BenC86BenC86 3.0 Streaming Posts: 2
Hey, I'm Ben, and I've been in the group since November 2023 and figured I should introduce myself. I always admired how amazing my grandfather could sing and write songs and would sing to my grandmother. Every time I stayed over as a young child it was what I looked forward to most. It made a huge impact on me growing up and has been a life goal to do the same for my wife. I've been practicing hard for months in private, typically while driving for work. We are celebrating our 16th anniversary in a few weeks and I plan on singing her an original song I wrote. She has never heard me sing. I'm crazy excited. I've made so much progress with this program (I had zero faith going into it, LOL!) Thank you Ken!


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