Home SHOW TIME - Band Rehearsals and Performance Day!!!

Dream On, Stone Cold Crazy, War Pigs, My Woman from Tokyo, etc live covers in Tokyo

AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 124
Here gang, it's me again.

This time, my band was oocking it out at GAMUSO Asagaya with SEVEN other bands and one DJ. What a marathon show \m/

We were the second last band to play that night and the crowd as you can hear was fantastic. Hope you'll dig it!


0:00 Message in a bottle - The Police
4:28 Stone Cold Crazy - Queen
7:16 The Ocean - Led Zeppelin
12:02 Burn - Deep Purple
17:52 Woman From Tokyo - Deep Purple
25:25 Dream On - Aerosmith
30:27 War Pigs - Black Sabbath
39:37 Introducing the band
41:11 (Encore) Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith

#stolensounds #messageinabottle #Thepolice #StoneColdCrazy #Queen #TheOcean #LedZeppelin #Burn #DeepPurple #WomanFromTokyo #DreamOn #Aerosmith #WarPigs #BlackSabbath #SweetEmotion #tokyo #エアロスミス #史密斯飛船 #東京樂團 #hardrock #heavymetal #70smusic #ハードロック #ヘビーメタル #ドリームオン #オーシャン #ウーマンフロムトーキョー #ディープパープル #紫の炎 #深紫色樂團 #黑色安息日 #齊柏林飛船 #警察樂團 #重金屬 #硬式搖滾
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