Dream On, Stone Cold Crazy, War Pigs, My Woman from Tokyo, etc live covers in Tokyo

Here gang, it's me again.
This time, my band was oocking it out at GAMUSO Asagaya with SEVEN other bands and one DJ. What a marathon show \m/
We were the second last band to play that night and the crowd as you can hear was fantastic. Hope you'll dig it!
0:00 Message in a bottle - The Police
4:28 Stone Cold Crazy - Queen
7:16 The Ocean - Led Zeppelin
12:02 Burn - Deep Purple
17:52 Woman From Tokyo - Deep Purple
25:25 Dream On - Aerosmith
30:27 War Pigs - Black Sabbath
39:37 Introducing the band
41:11 (Encore) Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith
#stolensounds #messageinabottle #Thepolice #StoneColdCrazy #Queen #TheOcean #LedZeppelin #Burn #DeepPurple #WomanFromTokyo #DreamOn #Aerosmith #WarPigs #BlackSabbath #SweetEmotion #tokyo #エアロスミス #史密斯飛船 #東京樂團 #hardrock #heavymetal #70smusic #ハードロック #ヘビーメタル #ドリームオン #オーシャン #ウーマンフロムトーキョー #ディープパープル #紫の炎 #深紫色樂團 #黑色安息日 #齊柏林飛船 #警察樂團 #重金屬 #硬式搖滾
This time, my band was oocking it out at GAMUSO Asagaya with SEVEN other bands and one DJ. What a marathon show \m/
We were the second last band to play that night and the crowd as you can hear was fantastic. Hope you'll dig it!

0:00 Message in a bottle - The Police
4:28 Stone Cold Crazy - Queen
7:16 The Ocean - Led Zeppelin
12:02 Burn - Deep Purple
17:52 Woman From Tokyo - Deep Purple
25:25 Dream On - Aerosmith
30:27 War Pigs - Black Sabbath
39:37 Introducing the band
41:11 (Encore) Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith
#stolensounds #messageinabottle #Thepolice #StoneColdCrazy #Queen #TheOcean #LedZeppelin #Burn #DeepPurple #WomanFromTokyo #DreamOn #Aerosmith #WarPigs #BlackSabbath #SweetEmotion #tokyo #エアロスミス #史密斯飛船 #東京樂團 #hardrock #heavymetal #70smusic #ハードロック #ヘビーメタル #ドリームオン #オーシャン #ウーマンフロムトーキョー #ディープパープル #紫の炎 #深紫色樂團 #黑色安息日 #齊柏林飛船 #警察樂團 #重金屬 #硬式搖滾