This is what I sound like after about 3,5 years of practice.

These are two of my most recent covers. I sing and play guitar and also do the "mixing". Mixing is only doing some chrous effects (recording x3 and doing left+right panning) and adding some reverb and some "muddiness". That is about it. I record both song and guitar at the same time with a Rode NT1-A mic.
I would be _very happy_ if anyone would like tell me how I am doing so far and yes, I can take bad "review". No problem at all. I am very very hard om myself rergarding my singing so I doubt that you can be harder ;-)
(slow version)
("normal" version)
I would be _very happy_ if anyone would like tell me how I am doing so far and yes, I can take bad "review". No problem at all. I am very very hard om myself rergarding my singing so I doubt that you can be harder ;-)
(slow version)

("normal" version)

Have you done this course for 3.5 years? Can you post a song where you’re really supporting your voice?