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Please Give me Feedback.

I would love get feedback on my voice if it sounds good. Am I really singing? Also what can do for high notes. I’m struggling and wondering if I’m really doing it correctly. It’s not perfect at all but I’m trying. See video below.


  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    @Klaus_T see above post please
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    hi there! i think you are really singing. pretty epic notes towards the end/climax of the song, very cool. you sound a bit airy, which if you work on it can give you more sense of control and variations, you still have the choice of doing it airy on purpose. you have a nice voice and probably some people would be happy to sing like that. but yes there is room for improvement, as with everyone :)

    working, as always, on that ping (it's a constant chase), holding back the air without straining. working on pairing down the vowel sound for the higher notes (vowel modifications).

    you are on the right track :)
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    Thank you so much for the feedback. I owe you a lot! Can you tell me about the being airy. I’m always confused. How do you hold back air and sing?
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    holding back the air is not an easy skill to learn, it takes time, so don't expect any miracles in an instant. focus on getting better at it and you will get better. looking out for the bright ping is a good way, you can also visualize inhaling while you sing a note, you can do the lip drill with a candle and make sure it is not blown out, you can work on your support, you can work on compression. try to imagine it is not the air flow that moves the cords, but the cords that vibrate, sitting on top of a pillar of air. read a lot on this forum about it, everyone has different ways of describing it, and you will need to experiment. make sure that you are staying safe, i.e. no pinching or straining in the throat, not too loud etc. unfortunately, good compression (air management) can feel similar to pinching in the throat. that's why Ken introduces compression relatively late in the course, which tends to make some beginners a bit impatient, but it does make sense in the big picture.
  • SandMan26SandMan26 Member Posts: 15
    I think I have an idea what you mean. If you don’t mind, if you can point out in my video a sample where I used too much air. Thank thank you. I wish I can meet you in person ❤️
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