Totally New Singer with NO EXPERIENCE!

I am from Central New York and have been a guitar player for close to 20 years. I have always wanted to sing, and now am presented with some opportunities to play out with friends and play on my church worship team. I decided it's time to learn and see what I am capable of. I am really going to put this system to the test as I have ZERO natural singing ability. I hope to work hard at this and with the help of the program and all you great singers, turn my singing abilities from dud to stud! ;-)
Welcome, sferguson!
I hope you are ready to work hard and give it your best! This is definitely the best program, bar none, to turn your voice into a professional instrument. But it's not instantaneous, and it takes a lot of time and effort to become a truly good singer.
That said, roll up your sleeves and dig in. You've got the rest of your singing life to work on this, so let's get started!
Nice to meet you!