Singing indie rock style

JavoJavo 3.0 Streaming Posts: 4
Hi, I’m curious if anyone can help me out. I can sing different styles of songs in a “melodic” way. For example, the smiths I can sing them decent enough. However, I’m trying to sing artic monkeys to learn that style as I enjoy it and want to have that skill but when I do I either go too “melodic/musical” like the smiths style or I just sound awful like I’m speaking instead of singing (trying to do it less melodic) does anyone have any advice on how to fix this? Not much about that style on YouTube


  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 208
    By "melodic" do you mean with lots of air passing over the cords? (If you took it to an extreme, you'd be whispering).

    Ken encourages us to build strength by having good cord closure, to get a crisp, ping sound. If you do this, you can then revert to opening the cords more to suit your style. But if you only do the open cord bit, you won't build the strength.

    I'm finding I've got great power in my chest voice. My head voice is very flutey at the moment, and needs to be developed. Going through the passagio is a bit hit and miss at the moment: sometimes good, sometimes cracking.

    It may be worth building the strength, and then adapting your style to that of the original singer?
  • JavoJavo 3.0 Streaming Posts: 4
    edited September 2024
    @charlie_v Thankyou for your reply! I guess in away if it was exaggerated it would maybe sound more airy/whispery? However, I don’t think that’s my issue. Another way for me to describe it, like the Artic Monkeys (especially first two albums). The way he sings is more snappy less “musical” and I find when I go to do it I prolong the words slightly in a more opera style I guess. If you imagine the way the Smiths sing (if you know any of the songs) and convert that into an artic monkeys song or oasis (anything with a more speaking style singing). I think that’s something I do. I believe I have a strong chest voice and a decent head voice. Just trying to strengthen my mix as I find myself automatically switching to head voice instead of a higher mix. Maybe cord closure is something I should focus on, as I can sing in a smooth motion without splitting and maybe cord closure is the opposite more snappy motion? It’s a little hard to describe I hope you understand it haha!
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 208
    I’m singing Wonderwall at a gig in a couple of weeks!

    I think a lot of singers don’t use full power. They don’t have a lot of support, & their cords aren’t fully closed. It’s easier to sing, as long as you’rein a comfortable range.

    Perhaps try singing with really good support, then with loads of air over the cords, then something in between?

    I’m gonna add a bit of a mancunian accent to mine! 😝
  • JavoJavo 3.0 Streaming Posts: 4
    @charlie_v I think I have quite good support and sometimes use mine too much. Also, nice my accent is already Mancunian! haha. I wonder how your impression is 😂 and thankyou again for your advice man!
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 208
    Can you upload an audio file?
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