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how do I pick a song key?

if my break is E4/F4 and I can get very low notes easily but high notes are more difficult (hi barry) and I have a bunch of songs of my own, how do I approach this? TIA


  • TerenceTerence Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 524
    Song by song.

    Name/post one with a description or time stamps of where your concerns are.
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 214
    I’d suggest you sing each song. If you struggle with the high bits, bring it down 1 or 2 semitones, & try again. If that works, you’ve found a good key for you.

    I’m a tenor, in vol 3. I can get to E5 consistently in the exercises. My passagio is F#4-Bb4. If I’m singing a number if notes at the top end of this, my voice breaks. Lowering the key has worked brilliantly.

    But I view this as a short term solution. My aim is to get that passagio really strong, & strengthen my head voice, so I can sing the songs in the correct key!
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