Difficulty understanding glottal compression

It might be my own fault but I’ve moved on to the section of the course where Ken goes over how to use glottal compression, but unfortunately never really understood EXACTLY how to execute it , and I’m not even talking about distortion or “Hyper glottal compression” I know that’s different. I’m talking about how to actually execute glottal compression when singing. I understand so far that it’s like holding your breath but I don’t know if I’m doing it right… a lot of what Ken goes over in the videos is why it’s so important to use it , and how it can be used also to keep your chords from drying out and even later on to distort the voice but I never really understood the actual physical execution/muscle(s) engagement on how to activate “Glottal compression”.
I'm looking for compression in my saved bookmarks. In the mean time, type "compression" into the search-box and dive in.
BTW, I was a participant in one of those webinars and Ken liked one of the definitions of compression offered: "All that the body must to do to deliver to the vocal cords only the amount of air necessary to produce the desired tone."