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Working on low notes


Just recently i been interested in exploring my lower range. Here is me singing along to a Judas Priest track. How does my low range sound?



  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 208
    Hi @SwedishMetalhead33!

    Firstly, I only listened to a short clip, but this sounded like you were in your chest range, rather than singing really low. Was there a part where you were singing much lower?

    Secondly, is there a way you can balance your voice better against the backing track? You were relatively quiet. Also a lot of delay, which makes the sound more difficult to hear.
  • SwedishMetalhead33SwedishMetalhead33 Member Posts: 40
    I removed the delay. Did this sound better? https://vocaroo.com/182C2S65Df3w
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 208
    Thanks, @SwedishMetalhead33! Much easier to hear this time.

    Firstly, the singing is in your chest voice, which is the lower range. There's some good stuff going on:

    1. You've got reasonable support, i.e. ability to produce power.
    2. Your pitch is generally good, i.e. singing in tune.
    3. You're sustaining some very long notes well.
    4. You have vibrato, which sounds comfortable.

    The question is, do you want more? You have an opportunity to really build on these foundations, and end up with an awesome voice! But it will cost you, primarily in time. You'll need to invest 30-60 minutes per day for 1-2 years. At the end of this, I'd expect you to have amazing support, accurate pitch, and add in your head voice, and sing well between chest and head voice. If you listen to Ken and his senior students, you'll get an idea of what you can aim for.

    I'd encourage you to join the programme. You need to be systematic in your learning, and you won't do that by watching some videos. I've been on the course for a few months, and have already noticed some major changes. I know I have a long way to go, but it's lovely hearing progress, and being confident that more is possible, because of the abilities shown by more senior students. By the way, I'm a volunteer and not on commission, so this recommendation is for your benefit, not mine!

    It would be really fun to hear your voice again, once you've been on the course for a year or so!
  • SwedishMetalhead33SwedishMetalhead33 Member Posts: 40
    Ok i recorded it again. https://vocaroo.com/1hyA2ozyUWVB
    I have thoughts about joining the course.
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 208
    Hi @SwedishMetalhead33. I'm not sure I can hear much difference between the two: not surprising, as they're only separated by a couple of days, and the first one already had some good foundations in place.

    But your name suggests this is the genre you want to sing: I tracked to the later part of the song and you weren't singing there. No surprise as you were wanting to demonstrate your chest voice. But you'll not be able to sing the metal classics until you've nailed your head and mixed voices as well as being able to compress really effectively.

    This won't happen by accident: only commitment. I'd be really surprised if you could do this in less than two years, at one hour per day. (i.e. 700 hours' time investment). Then 2 years of the course, at $598 if you buy annually. Putting the cost in context, that might buy you about 6 hours of face-to-face time with a moderate singing coach, as opposed to 100s of hours on KTVA, plus the webinars, forum, etc etc. But you've still got to invest to improve!

    I suppose that's the question we all have to ask ourselves: is this worth it? For me, I'm miles away from being able to sing metal songs. But a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step, so I'm closer to my goal than I was before!

    I hope your passion will drive you to make the commitment!
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