Am I a tenor or a baritone?

I will soon begin singing in a choir for fun but i dont know what voice type i am. In the last clip i am singing my lowest note i can produce without vocal fry. I was kinda sick when i sang this.
I will soon begin singing in a choir for fun but i dont know what voice type i am. In the last clip i am singing my lowest note i can produce without vocal fry. I was kinda sick when i sang this.
But basically you have what it takes to sing with either one of these groups. Most of it will overlap.
Both high baritones and low tenors can sing high. It's usually that the tenor cannot go that low that gives it away. They may also be able to move between notes quickly with more agility.
A comfortable A4 in chest voice only is likely more common for tenors also.
I'd like to avoid anything below D3 and I have around D#5 with chest connection, and I say I am a mid tenor. So you're probably low to mid tenor range.
The whole thing doesn't really matter that much, but I think it is good to be able to have some kind of classification, especially in your case if you're joining a choir. There is a lot of talk about voice types and ranges on the KTVA YouTube channel and I appreciate that he is weighing in on those subjects as well.