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Stuck after laryngitis

MilooMiloo 3.0 Streaming Posts: 3
Hello everybody.
Over a month ago I got an infective laryngitis (from my dad) and lost the voice completely for 2 days. After that I could talk but my chords were covered in mucus. Days passed and I got a bronchitis too, coughed day and night almost nonstop.
After avoiding singing for 10 days I try and resume the divas exercises from vol.3, which I've been doing for almost a year now and that, before the laringytis, I had basically mastered. I could hit the high notes in head voice without effort whatsoever, it had become natural. I used to practise for 3 hours 5/7 days.
Anyway, over a month has gone by and I still can't to the exercises. When I go up the notes just don't come out, only air. And I feel a weird feeling in my throat. Then the pain comes. When this happens I stop, I never push.
My chest voice is fine. But when I try and sing songs that require higher volume I struggle. I strain too much and I didn't used to.
I'm completely lost. I think my voice is fine and this has nothing to do with nodes or such. I also think that I am sabotaging myself thinking that with this long break I forgot everything, therefore I'm all tensed up when singing and I strain.
So the question is... where do I resume? How to start again and go back to sing effortlessly?


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,450
    hi, assuming that you have no inflammation, and/or a green light from doctor, or are 100% sure there is no nodules etc, i suggest you go to vol 1 or even beginners, and give yourself an easier time to get back into it. if no underlying physical condition is present, you are probably right and you are putting too much pressure on yourself. the relaxation response is very important for good technique, and stressing about missed practice does not help this. then, ramp it up slowly, and i think you will probably be back to where you were in no time. hope this helps...
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