Stuck after laryngitis

Hello everybody.
Over a month ago I got an infective laryngitis (from my dad) and lost the voice completely for 2 days. After that I could talk but my chords were covered in mucus. Days passed and I got a bronchitis too, coughed day and night almost nonstop.
After avoiding singing for 10 days I try and resume the divas exercises from vol.3, which I've been doing for almost a year now and that, before the laringytis, I had basically mastered. I could hit the high notes in head voice without effort whatsoever, it had become natural. I used to practise for 3 hours 5/7 days.
Anyway, over a month has gone by and I still can't to the exercises. When I go up the notes just don't come out, only air. And I feel a weird feeling in my throat. Then the pain comes. When this happens I stop, I never push.
My chest voice is fine. But when I try and sing songs that require higher volume I struggle. I strain too much and I didn't used to.
I'm completely lost. I think my voice is fine and this has nothing to do with nodes or such. I also think that I am sabotaging myself thinking that with this long break I forgot everything, therefore I'm all tensed up when singing and I strain.
So the question is... where do I resume? How to start again and go back to sing effortlessly?
Over a month ago I got an infective laryngitis (from my dad) and lost the voice completely for 2 days. After that I could talk but my chords were covered in mucus. Days passed and I got a bronchitis too, coughed day and night almost nonstop.
After avoiding singing for 10 days I try and resume the divas exercises from vol.3, which I've been doing for almost a year now and that, before the laringytis, I had basically mastered. I could hit the high notes in head voice without effort whatsoever, it had become natural. I used to practise for 3 hours 5/7 days.
Anyway, over a month has gone by and I still can't to the exercises. When I go up the notes just don't come out, only air. And I feel a weird feeling in my throat. Then the pain comes. When this happens I stop, I never push.
My chest voice is fine. But when I try and sing songs that require higher volume I struggle. I strain too much and I didn't used to.
I'm completely lost. I think my voice is fine and this has nothing to do with nodes or such. I also think that I am sabotaging myself thinking that with this long break I forgot everything, therefore I'm all tensed up when singing and I strain.
So the question is... where do I resume? How to start again and go back to sing effortlessly?