Hey New Guy Here

What's up I'm Chris, I'm 21 and I play guitar and sing, both of which I wish to do professionally. I've been singing since I was little, but started taking vocal lessons about three years ago. I've been through several programs, Per Bistrow, Manning and I was taking web cam lessons with Rob Lunte for about 6 months. The first two I didn't take to very well, but they were a good starting spot, since they developed my physical awareness of tension which really allowed me to eliminate all the tension in my voice from the years of singing without training, so that was nice. Rob Lunte helped me take my singing to the next level and I developed a really strong foundation and head voice. I came here because Rob Luntes program doesn't really focus building the mid voice, but rather bridging early into the head and I wanted to get a stronger chest sound as well as a strong head. I've been working on the program for about a month and can say I'm really happy with my progress, I am currently on vol 2 and have been able to stretch my chest to a solid high A, so close to the C...urrr, Although I think there are a couple things I could fix in that, but I'll post to check with people....I like all types of music, but I'm a rock musician myself.It's hard for me to chose favorites since there are so many great singers and players, but I'll try. My favorite singers are Myles Kennedy, Kip Winger, Layne Staley and Christina Augilera and probably Alanis Morssiette to. My favorite Guitar Players are Geroge Lynch, Marty Friedman, Jerry Cantrell, Mark Tremonti and Stephen Forte. Currently I'm also in between projects cause I'm planning on moving soon, to pursue my musical aspirations, but since I gotta sit around for a little bit, I'd be okay with doing some collaboration songwriting for the time being, so if anybody needs a partner to write with I'm more than will to experiment with people.....that's about it and good singing to you all.