"Eyes on the sun" new original song by George

I also handled all the production and instruments.
Hope you like it!!
I'm between vol 2 and vol 3 at the moment.


  • MichaelSMichaelS Pro Posts: 73
    Great! Good job, buddy. I like It! Keep on rockin`!
  • bluesbirdbluesbird Pro Posts: 59
    Thanks very much @MichaelS, I'm really glad you like it!! :)
    Any suggestions on the vowel mods etc would be highly appreciated guys!!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032


    Nice song, nice sound.  Now I've got it stuck in my head!

    Your voice seems to be coming along.  You could brighten the tone a bit.  The support sounds pretty good.

    Pitch is spot on. 

    Good job!


  • bluesbirdbluesbird Pro Posts: 59
    edited June 2013
    Thanks a bunch Bob!!
    I'm working on brightening the tone, though I was singing with my "smile" wide open. I'm sure I just need more and more everyday excersices in order for the muscle memory to build. I used quite a bit of compression too, after the middle of vol 2, it just started kicking in by itself. The program sort of gradually subconsciously places all these functions to work I guess. Still a question sort of pumps in: How do we treat the "O"? I treat it as an AH, with lips slightly taking the "O" position, mouth still wide open though...
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032


    You are correct that we treat the OH vowel as an Open Throat AH with the lips slightly rounded.  We want to be careful, though, because if we protrude our lips that will color the sound and make it darker.  Since my suggestion is to brighten the tone, we need to be mindful of the darkening factors.  Opera singers often want to darken or cover the sound, but for a more modern or rock sound we lean the other way to the bright pinging sound.  You are also correct to be smiling into the sound.  Imagine keeping that smile nice and bright and just giving a hint of an Oh to the lips, kind of a grinning OH.


  • bluesbirdbluesbird Pro Posts: 59
    edited June 2013
    Hey @highmtn thanks so much for the insight. Check Patti Labelle here, I believe in 1.10' she demonstrates an exemplary rendering of the OH!!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032


    Oh, Yeah, and OH, What an OH she Oh's!

    She's making a lop-sided Heart-shaped OH with Tons of Teeth, Lifted Cheeks, and a Static Jaw.

    Not to mention, she's dressed to KILL in this clip!  Oh, what an OH!  Hear the AH in that OH?  I do!



  • bluesbirdbluesbird Pro Posts: 59
    Oh yeah....!!! It's one of her best performances...can't be by accident...she's singing with the finest band ever...THE WHO!!! Hehehe!!!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032

    Yeah, I'm going... That guy looks almost Just Like Pete Townsend!


  • bluesbirdbluesbird Pro Posts: 59
    @highmtn Did you see Roger Daltrey sitting in the back shitting his pants...?? Hahaha!!
    They're my favourite band.
    There were other guests too in that show, Phil Collins, Billy Idol, Steve Winwood, Elton John.....but Patti stole the thunder...!!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032
    I didn't know Roger was doing that... he did have a funny look on his face, though. 
  • bluesbirdbluesbird Pro Posts: 59
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