Hello from Chicago - I'm new to singing

Hi guys, hope you are well.  I've been a guitarist (metal, hard rock, etc) since 1988 and NEVER wanted to sing at all.  Well, I started recording again and got tired of looking for a vocalist.  I play and program drums and do everything else, so why not vocals.  I haven't got a clue as to what I'm doing.  I am awaiting the arrival of my DVDs and CDs.  I don't know what to expect but am looking forward to it.  So weird for me to say someday...I'm a singer.  Very odd road I'm traveling down.  I think I will do well.  I will admit, I'm nervous to practice in the house, for fear I will sound so bad and embarrass myself with people hearing me.  I'm 41.




  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Hello, @guitarkid, and welcome to the KTVA forums!

    There are many beginners here as well as seasoned pros, and everyone in-between.  What we all share is that each of us is on a journey to improve our vocals, and to enjoy the journey as well as the destination.

    This is absolutely the BEST program to learn REAL techniques that will grow your voice like no other method!

    If you like the way Ken sounds on his demos, you have selected the right tools to show you the way to move in that direction!

    There are a lot of travelers on this road and we're all here to help one another along the way.

    Take your time and don't skip over anything or discount it as unimportant.  Watch the videos over and over.  Practice the exercises relentlessly.

    Submit demos and ask questions.



  • guitarkidguitarkid Pro Posts: 7

    Hi Bob,

    Thank you so much!


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