Is there a how to sing for Kip Winger anywhere

I absolutly adore Kip wingers voice one of my top three favorite vocalists and I've been trying for a years to figure out how he sings the way he my question is simple is there a "how to sing like kip winger"...if not I'd love to hear one for the song "down incognito", that would be awesome....if not I might take a lesson at some point just to tackle that. Which I assume would be a viable option. Thanks for your time.
I'm not sure if Winger has a safe technique, though. He definitely sounds like he's screaming his guts out some of the time, but he still does it live, and his tone seems to have gotten better over time. Listen to Karma and compare that to their debut album... I'd pick his more recent voice (even if I hate the songs). Accidental master of hyperglottal compression, perhaps?