hey all

ill be hopefully picking up kens course next week. looking forward to improving my vocals. i basicly am doing this as a challenge. i sing karaoke every weekend been practicing some of the songs ken has been teaching some students on youtube. like faithfully and you give love a bad name. current im guessing its the bridge my voice gets a high pitchy sound and looses its tambre unlike ken as he goes up and keeps that nice hmming sound. i really want to nail this open throat technique. the end of faithfully from journey is killing me... who knows maybe a small band may ask me to fill in some time. impatiently waiting to buy the course.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Hi, Steven!

    Yes, it can drive you crazy once you have decided that you must have KTVA, but you have to wait to order!  I waited way too long and went way too crazy! 

    I consider purchasing KTVA to be one of the nicest things I ever did for myself, and I'm really mad at myself that I waited so long!!!

    Karaoke will be a lot more fun for you as you realize you are strengthening your voice and extending your range!  It takes Time, Practice, and Work, but it's a very fulfilling pursuit.  You will be doing these exercises for the rest of your singing life, and getting stronger all the time.

    We look forward to you submitting demos and letting us hear your progress.

    Are you ready to ROCK?



  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    thx for the welcome cause. its gonna happen.. i may be 44 but whats age got to do with it. :p
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    You're just a pup!

    You've got years and years of singing ahead of you!


  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    Woo Whoo!!! just purchaced the dvd set!! Time to camp out by the mailbox.............come throw some food at me once in awhile... already sent forum status change. looking forward to learning all my mistakes. Crack your whip KTVA all this youtube learning is killing me LOL.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Fasten your seat belt....

    Your voice is going to GROW like never before!!!



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