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highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
A little pitchy at 0:21 on "holds".
At 0:39 you are oversinging for the record level you are using. It causes distortion which is a little painful to listen to.
Otherwise, you are doing well. The improvements you have made are working. There are a few areas where the support could be more consistent.
You're on a good track. Stay with it.
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
Oversinging was a poor choice of words on my part for this comment.
Oversinging generally means singing so loud that it is harmful to the cords.
A more accurate description for what happens in your demo at 0:39 is that your record level exceeded the limit of the input. When a digital recording goes beyond 0dB, the sound will go into a very nasty form of distortion, due to "digital overshoots".
Digital recordings sound fine until the signal exceeds zero dB, at which point a very undesirable-sounding distortion takes place. The way to guard against digital overshoots is to monitor the record level, via a meter, be it a needle on a VU meter, or an LED display. Otherwise, you listen to the playback and turn it down a bit if there is any distortion, and re-record until there is no distortion.
Also on your recording there is a large difference in volume from the beginning to the middle and the end. Dynamics are good, but the variation is a little much when your voice gets louder. You want your recordings to sound pleasant to the listener, so use discretion in deciding how much variation is appropriate for the piece.
So, to make the distortion stop, stop exceeding zero dB when you record.
Good singing to you.