Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Pro Posts: 4
hi folks, been using KTVA for a couple of months now and really enjoying. still trying to figure a lot of things out, mostly around support and keeping the bright sound without feeling like i am using my throat to do this. anyway, here is a couple of clips of my attempt at Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones. If anyone can give me any info on what you think I need to improve on I would be very grateful.
This sounds good. You are maintaining a nice bright tone throughout the tunes. You could try adding more support for the Stones tune just to get the character of the song. Good work.
One thing I think you are doing right that everyone else should take note of is this:
You are singing on long, contiguous phrases, with light use of consonants. Good job on that, it helps to keep your open throat/vocal tract in a good place.
Your pitch is good. As Scott says you could support more and lean into it some on the Stones tune.
You are on a good track.