I'm struggling :(

Best Answer
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
Your "oversinging" example is supported better, and sounds more consistent overall. You're still a bit loud on the high part.
The "light singing" version falls a little flat on some of the high notes, sounds less supported, and a little out of breath. Yes. Singing lightly, especially in tough areas of a register, is more difficult.
Both light and louder singing take a lot of support.
You could use a little more mic technique to pull back from the mic on notes you're having to belt in order to hit. The preferred method would be to use enough support on these sections of the song so that your pushing down on the diaphragm would serve as a shock absorber for the volume and keep your sound compressed to a more consistent level.
As your voice strengthens from months of KTVA workouts, and as you respond to the feedback you are receiving, you will gradually begin to incorporate these techniques into your singing more automatically.
You are already showing subtle signs of improvement and increasing consistency. It does take time, and it does take effort. You may feel like you're struggling, and if it's any comfort to you, so do the rest of us. But it does get better. You are learning a lot of different ways of doing something that is important to you.
I have great expectations for you and where you are headed. You are determined to perfect your voice and that will carry you a long way along on your journey. Have patience, grasshopper. You are on your way.