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David Lee Roth

Hi Ken, I was wondering if you would consider trying a David Lee Roth voice, song like "Everybody Wants Some" where he adds in his characteristic vocal flares... (unless those vocal flares are voice killers).



  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    Hi Steve,

    I assume you mean David's 2 tone screams.

    At this point in David's career, he had lost so much cord closure in his falsetto range that when he went to "scream" it came out as having two tones. 

    This is not only unsafe, but you are actually hearing complete severance in good cord closure at different parts on the cord that cause this.

    I have been asked to demonstrate this many time (like Nubian throat singing) but it would be like demonstrating a "swan song" of a voice before it completely dies :-)
  • HodgepodgeHodgepodge Pro Posts: 28
    LOL, that's cool Ken.  I've been amazed at how you can get your voice to sound like so many singers (from the 70's disco stuff, 80's glam rock, the hard rock belters, deep low throaty voices mixed with high voices), that I was curious about Diamond Dave's signature sound, which was good for about a decade.

    Ken and Cinema, both of you have done falsetto screams that reminded me of one of my favorite vocalists Janie Lane RIP.  Those sound killer, glad to know they are safe to do.

    Just got my DVD's, and will be focusing on the breath technique and getting the basics for support down before moving on.
  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    Hi Cinema, I just left you a message on your 702-324-7741 number...
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