Myles Kennedy of Alterbridge

Hi what's everyone's opinion on Myles kennedy's voice/ technique? Does he use the same/variation on the vocal technique that you teach Ken? I think his voice is awe-inspiring, can you talk through what techniques he is using in this particular song of Alterbridge's new album? Ive been doing the masters class for 2 years now, and im the best vocally that ive ever been, how long would it take me to get to this level demonstrated in this song? Thanks Ken

Have you seen this interview of his? He discusses quite a bit of vocal technique in it.
Hey, @myleskennedyfan88,
It's good to hear from you again. How about posting another one of your most recent live recordings here so Ken can compare where you are now to Myles. Better yet, have it be one that demonstrates where you are with your head voice at the present time, along with how your chesty belting is going these days.
Your demos have been really good in the past, but we haven't heard from you for a while.
If you post something showing your present development, maybe Ken can shoot you back some feedback relative to Myles and yourself.