
Out of curiosity, I just checked the meter. The KTVA Forums now have 3,001 members!
Three thousand singers from all over the world, joining together to help one another learn!!
Several here have been around since it was a much smaller group, but now look at how many vocalist friends we have here!!
It's really great to have all of you here to share the excitement of learning to be a better singer.
It's also awesome to have Ken Tamplin showing us the way to get to that goal, the right way!
Did I ever tell all of you that I really enjoy being here and helping everybody along the way? I do...
Three thousand cheers for Ken Tamplin and his Vocal Academy!
Not all three thousand are currently posting. That's probably a good thing. I don't think we could all keep up with that many new posts every day. We have some folks that wander off and then come back after working out on their own for a while.
There are a lot of folks that read the posts, but don't post themselves. That's OK, there's a lot of good discussion here, and as most who have been here for a while know, it's somewhat cyclic.
It's nice to meet the new people, and enjoyable to help them out.
These forums are among what I would call some of the good things on the internet.