Pain in vthroat muscle..
Best Answer
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387
I'm not certain which muscle you are talking about, but nothing at the base of the neck should be involved with vocalizing. Sometimes we hold back the breath there, but none of the muscles at the base of the neck or any of the constrictor muscles used for swallowing are needed for vocalizing.
I have had some discomfort from singing notes that were too high for my muscle strength at the time, but those muscles are the crico-thryoid muscles which are responsible for stretching the vocal cords.
Please be sure to follow Ken's advice about monitoring for tension in the chest, neck, and throat.
You really do need to maintain relaxation in these areas.
If you are having pain, then you are overdoing something that is not part of the proper singing process. If your pain continues, you then should see a doctor and find out what is going on. Find out how you are creating this discomfort so you can learn to avoid it.