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An Axe To Grind

Hey all

I just purchased Ken Templin's album An Axe To Grind. It is awesome!!

I am keen to learn a few of these songs for some fun but sometimes its hard to understand his words. Does anyone know where i can get the lyrics to 'Holdin on/the chase', its a great song.

I have been learning 'straight between the eyes', which is also a great song and Ken does a how to sing video using this song. I feel i have done a good job in learning this song, i just need to get the high notes smoother and get my chest voice higher in some parts. I may do a demo soon if @KenTamplin wouldn't mind.



  • JamieHJamieH Pro Posts: 71

    some of the lyrics sound clear to me, others sound harder for me to understand as he goes higher.
  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    Hi Jamie,

    I would be happy to get those to you.

    As funny as this may sound, I don't have a copy of that tracki with me.

    If you will e-mail me a copy to ktvainfo@gmail.com I will take a listen and type you back the lyrics :-)

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Looks like KT needs to hear from you! eMail him a copy of his song and he will get you the lyrics.

  • JamieHJamieH Pro Posts: 71
  • JamieHJamieH Pro Posts: 71
    Hey guys,

    KT emailed me the lyrics to the song as asked me to share them for others to read.

    shatter the dark
    with the might in His word
    there's power and mercy, well haven't you heard?
    don't be a fool, their playin for keeps
    lies and confusion are out to deceive
    oh there's no disguise
    i'm keepin' my eyes on the prize
    gettin' ready lookin' up to the skies

    hold on holdin on it's now or never
    hold on holiding well it's forever
    hold on until the end

    i've seen it before i know what's at stake
    life is too short for an eternal mistake
    no time to waste
    and no room for guess
    every knee shall bow and tongue confess
    oh there's no disguise
    i'm keepin' my eyes on the prize
    getting ready lookin' up to the skies

    hold on holdin on it's now or never
    hold on holiding well it's forever
    hold on until ain't gonna bend
    holding on until the end
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Cool Lyrics.  Very cool!


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