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vocal distortion

i have pretty much mastered singing without strain now! touch wood! i did a four day tour with my original band came out feeling great on the other side! im looking to adding a bit more distortion to my sound, i have a small amount of natural grit, but it could be better, is there any good techniques i can apply to add this? also wanted to let you guys know my band Dirty thrills are currently doing great, our debut ep has had 15 great reviews so far and have some major label interest! so i want to get this sorted asap ! and wondered if there is anywhere on here i can get support advertise the band, ive already tagged ken in my youtube videos! 
louis james 


  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    Do you have the full program? The topic of distortion is probably what Ken does best and spends a good deal of time talking about it in volume 3 (hyper glottal compression), as well as in webinars and on youtube (look up "Ken Tamplin Cochise" for example.
  • louisjameslouisjames Enrolled Posts: 125
    great thanks very much, well ive been doing volume one for a while, im contemplating wether to do two? or just go to volume three? im a bit confused as to what i should do, i cant afford a lesson from ken. any ideas? thanks very much :) 
  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    great thanks very much, well ive been doing volume one for a while, im contemplating wether to do two? or just go to volume three? im a bit confused as to what i should do, i cant afford a lesson from ken. any ideas? thanks very much :) 
    Well if you upload a quick sample it would be easier to answer (or link us to one of your band's songs). However, based on the info you've given about touring and the rest I'm going to assume you are a competent and experienced singer, in which case I would go right ahead and just watch the volume 2+3 videos. Then you can start experimenting with the distortion based on that, just be careful you don't hurt yourself. Especially if you have obligations to perform regularly with your band.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    I must recommend that you continue your KTVA studies and work your way through the complete program. 

    Your voice will thank you.

    Nothing will shorten the length of time it will take to grow your voice and progress to the point of ultimate strength other than working your way through the required training. 

    Yes, right now is very important, but in the long run, the long run is even more important.  Continue building your strong foundation to be all that it can become.  Volume Two is a stepping stone to get you properly integrated into Volume Three. 

    It's just the safer way to ensure you don't skip any important aspects of building the voice.

    All the best, Louis.


  • louisjameslouisjames Enrolled Posts: 125
    all great information thanks to all of you. I think i will continue onto volume 2 then! as i want to be as safe as possible especially as i said im going to be touring soon! i do feel im ready for volume two, i know that you have to be able to breath from diaphram vowel placement etc, but im always a bit unsure in myself as to when i can move on? thanks again guys for your help! 
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