Just Vocals- No instruments

Here is me singing without any guitar accompaniment. I was focusing on proper support (pushing downwards and not tensing my abs). Also I was working on keeping a bright tone, using the vowel modifications when necessary, and singing on the right pitch. Any helpful advice or tips?
Best Answer
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
It's good that you are trying to focus on support. It still sounds like you are singing from the throat where you should be singing more from your core.
At 0:44 on "relieve" it needs to be more from the gut. More pressed down. You're close, but not there yet.
Your pitch is closer also, but wavers here and there. There is more strength to be built for your support.
Keep at it. You're improving, step-by-step.