How to get feedback on my singing.

I have a question in regards to the course. I've been working with KTVA for over a year now and I have seen gains in my ability. My only problem is I can't afford to spend the money I think I need to by taking private lessons with Ken. I have another instructor that I used in the past that is a lot cheaper, but I'm sure so is the quality.
One thing I do think I benefit from this other instructor is that I'm able to work with him on a continuous basis. This allows me to get feedback on the spot and I value an outside source to critique my positives and negatives. I guess my question is, how do I get this critique from the KTVA course so that I can gain all of the benefits from it aside from taking lessons from Ken, which I can't do too often? I do think KTVA is the best vocal training around and I don't like mixing two different teaching methods, but I value a coach to help me in my problem areas, but at a cheaper, more consistent time table. Help!!!!!
Best Answer
Ken Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
I am in the process of bringing on ktva trained instructors to help with this soon. Stay tuned :-)