Hey Bob. Hows it going?

Ive posted a demo for you 'Holy Diver'. Ive done one without music and the other with a music mix (this is how I will send demo's for evaluation in the future) Also, I only did the first part as you will notice (again just to evaluate). I have got new recording software (still learning it all) In this piece I have used lots of mask and have been really practicing controlling my consonant sounds (especially the n's....as you pointed out the last time) and of course support. Now the mix and recording I have done my not be that great as I am still learning this recording software I have got.......maybe some pointers here too????

And thanks for helping me out with my web browser. All you guys (Nigel included) are really fantastic you know....

Cheers mate. Tom




  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388


    Hi, Tom!  It's great to hear from you again!

    Thanks for providing the demo in this format.  The Vocals Only along with a mixed version is really the way to go!

    First let me say that I hear a lot of improvement in your voice.  Lots of support, good tone, and lots of energy!  You fall a little flat of the pitch on the Yeah, yeah in the intro.  There is another spot where it sounds like you are reaching up for the note but not quite getting there on "Ti-GAH".

    Overall you are rocking your voice.  You are gaining consistency and support.  You are sustaining power in your voice.  You have been practicing.  

    A tip from Ken on headphone monitoring when recording vocals: Although its fun to have the phones up really loud and rocking, you should make sure your voice is the most clear and clean thing up front in the headphone mix.  The music should be low and just audible enough to be able to plainly hear the pitch and key cues in the phones.  Always have both ears in the headphones.  Having one ear open and one ear in the phones can cause you to miss the pitch, due to pressure differences in the two ears. 

    Keep rockin' your voice, Tom!  You are on a good track!


  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Thanks Bob. I always place my headphones for both ears and I try to turn the volume down quite low (I used to turn it up load...I must say that headphones put me off a bit...I prefer not using them but that is impossible under my circumstances...for now)...again tips Ive gained from watching and listening to Ken (and now yourself). I am also in the process of building a studio booth...then I can really go for it!!!..ha. I am waiting for a compressor unit I have ordered which I really think I need. I just fell a little 'restricted' doing demos the way I do...I feel Im singing within myself a bit and it really puts me off a bit. As you can see I really prefer the good old fashioned belting stuff and I feel that my support is getting better all the time. Hey Bob here;\'s a little tip from myself here. I train very hard at the gym and am now employing stomach/diaphram breathing there to create a stronger support system.....If anything Im lifting more thats for sure....but I really do feel stronger in my support....and will keep getting stronger. But you and Ken are so right that support is the key and must be present for good vocal performance.....Im learning.....but its a great journey.
    I'll complete this tune and post it to you....I feel good for it.
    Again cheers and many thanks for everything my good friend.
    Cheers Tom
  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Cheers mate will check it out....thanks for your help.
  • @sealrose

    Tom, I did not know the song but I think your sound is very powerful and I like that!
  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Cheers mate.....
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