how can i classify my vocal range

Im on Volumn 2 now and Ken mentioned so many times about beri n tenor, so i think i would b better understand n feeling the exercise if i know what i am.
But im totally no background to know how to classify vocal range. i've been searching for range classify clip, but still doesn't feel right. The clip is below:
can i use this one? and when i do it, i have to use only chest voice? or includ head voice too?
Thanks for help!!
Best Answers
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
Normally these voice classifications are talking about your range within your full chest voice.
For example the tenor chest voice is typically in the range between B2 on the bottom and G4 on the top, all in chest.
The notes in the ranges on the example clip are standard examples. They are not fixed in stone and there is some room for variation.
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
By the way, don't let these classifications allow you to be put into a fixed fate. You can add notes on to your top or bottom. Your voice can be trained to span more than one vocal fach.
It's still Christmas where I am right now, and I have a slice of fresh pumpkin pie in my lap as I write this!
Merry Christmas to you as well, @tung.p !!!
No problem, @Tung.
I am privileged to be able to help you and encourage you in your vocal journey!
The pie was delicious and I enjoyed it while reading and answering your message. It had a nice scoop of ice cream on top!
: ^ )
Actually dairy of any kind is supposed to be terrible for your voice, in terms of creating mucus.
That said, nothing beats a couple of gargantuan scoops of ice cream on top of some delicious Holiday Pie!!!
Yum, Yum. 'Tis the Season!!
; ^ )