Improve speaking voice?

Hello all, my name is John from Missouri. I came across Ken Tamplin while browsing YouTube videos. He got my attention and I learned more about him.

I decided to post a question here about my voice. I don't really sing, even when I am alone because I think I have a very monotone voice. My wife has actually never heard my singing voice and we have been married 19 years. The funny thing is that I used to sing in a church choir and in school, but was never good enough to solo.

So, I would like to know if vocal lessons would help my speaking voice. I would love to have more power in speaking without being asked to repeat myself. My voice seems to get worn out by the end of the day and I don't speak too much. I am thinking it has to do with improper technique and straining to speak that wears me out. When I wake up in the morning, my voice is much more powerful and deeper in tone and I want to keep it that way all day long. Also, my wife would love to hear my singing voice if I can gain the confidence with lessons.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    I think you should go for singing lessons, because good ones will definitely grow your voice, whether in speaking or singing.  You will have to consciously implement those methods into your speaking voice, but certainly learning diaphragmatic support and vocal cord closure will improve your speaking voice.

    But best of all, it will improve your singing voice.  Surprise your wife.  Sing to her.

    That's my vote!

    After 19 years, you should sing her a love song.



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