Demo after two months - Nights in White Satin

Hi everyone. I recorded a few songs this week to mark my progress at the end of 2013. Here's one for you to check out. It's a "one-take", sang once straight through, no editing, no pitch correction, a bit of the effects that Ken spoke of in his Recording Vocals video, with the vocal track volume a little louder than normal.
Things are coming along nicely, though much more room for improvement. Hope you are all well. I'm only online Thursdays, Fridays and half of Saturday each week.
Sounds good, jnaab.
A suggestion I have is to begin de-emphasizing the consonants and ride the vowels more.
One example would be to leave out the "H" consonant of "I can't say any mor-hor". Just smooth it together and let the one vowel change notes without a consonant to push it. Similarly on "they can't understa-hand".
Your pitch is good and your tone is good. I'm not sure if the distortion was intentional at 1:57. A little pitchy at 3:53.
You have a lot of good things going for you, not the least of which is a very strong voice to work with!
Good job!