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ear pressure

kkindlekkindle Pro Posts: 25
anyone have any advice for ear pressure the other day while i was doing a scale my ear popped and now today i feel like pressure is building up as i go up in the scales
now i have damaged this ear before under water but im not entirley sure what happend maybe i tried to stretch my chest voice out to far way too soon ?


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    If you have had a sore throat lately, you could have swelling or clogging in your eustachian tubes, which are tubes from your inner ear to your throat.  When you pop your ears to equalize pressure in your ears, this takes place through these tubes.  If they are clogged with mucous or swollen shut from a sore throat (due to illness) then you may have discomfort from a pressure buildup that you cannot relieve through the eustachians.

    Occasionally singers will experience anomalies from over-opening their jaws.  The hinges of the jaw are in close proximity to the ears, and consequently the eustachean tubes may creak or make sounds while you sing with a wide-open jaw.

    Your ear may feel better once the pressure equalizes.  If the pressure persists, a trip to the doctor would be in order.  If it gets painful, go right away and get yourself seen by a doc.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Here we have a diagram of what I discussed above.
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