Greetings from Southern Illinois!

My first time on forum! :-)


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Hello, @hvymtlgtr!!!

    And what kind of music do you like, and do you by any chance play an instrument, and if so, what would that be?

    ; ^ )


    How's the weather?


  • hvymtlgtrhvymtlgtr Pro Posts: 8
    Hi Bob! Your'e awesome man! You keep very busy on this forum, don't you? I love 80's metal. The guitar gods, such as Rhodes, Tipton and Downing of Priest, Smith and Murray of Maiden, and so many others! I've been a student of guitar for about 30 years, I'm 50. I was Blessed to have an INCREDIBLE instructor when I started out, and have worked very hard and am known to be a pretty good guitarist in my area. How I ended up here......about a year ago, I joined a local band, and had to start singing backing vocals, having never sang AT ALL! Kind of got the hang of that. I'm recording some original material at home, and struggling mightily to get any descent vocals recorded. I decided to give it my best shot and try to learn to sing, and after much research, found KTVA, recently purchased the hard copy bundle. Bob, how much access to forum does that allow me, and how do I obtain it if it's more than I have now? Thank You Very Much, and God Bless You!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Hello again, @hvymtlgtr!

    I can identify with everything you're saying.  Sounds like you're PUMPED to improve your vocal chops and bring them up to speed with your guitar chops!

    To have your forum access upgraded, you need to send an email to ktvahelp@gmail.com

    Copy and paste into your email a copy of your KTVA purchase receipt.  That will help them to determine the level of access you are qualified for.  Let them know that you are requesting a Forums Upgrade.

    That will get you going.  There is a lot more info available in the main part of the KTVA Forums.



  • hvymtlgtrhvymtlgtr Pro Posts: 8
    Thank You Sir!
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