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KTVA and "other" singing styles

Hi everyone,
I'm getting impressed by the KTVA promotion vids and by KT himself so I'm considering whether to buy the course. My own preferred styles of singing aren't rock or pop, but more baroque and classical, plus I sing in a small a cappella ensemble and occasionally in bigger choirs. So I'm not so much looking to belt  or distort (and I can see that that isn't all KT offers!). I am of course looking (aren't we all??) for more power in the head voice - i sing tenor and have a fair range, but there's a lack of colour higher up. It looks like I would benefit there, certainly, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone else in the same situation who's followed this course, and to learn what else this course can give me as a more classical singer. There aren't any testimonials from that group as far as I can see - though I read somewhere that there is a video of KT singing Nessun Dorma - I'd love to see that if anyone has a link!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    edited January 2014

    Hello, @nigello!

    I'm a rock and pop singer, but I study with Ken Tamplin frequently.  It may be of some comfort to you with regard to your question, that Ken is always correcting me for sounding too much like a classical singer.  He's rightfully correcting me in these cases, because he says that when we're working on a Rock song.

    So although I can and do sing in the Belting Rock sound, with or without compression and distortion, I also often find myself using the KTVA-Power in my voice with a more classical sound.

    A case in point, the other night, New Year's Eve, to be exact, my band was doing a typical variety band New Year's gig.  Suddenly, and without forewarning to me, the band leader announced to the audience that even though Christmas was over, we had been requested to perform O Holy Night.  I had zero preparation for this, even had to pull out a lyric sheet, and hand out chord sheets.  Within seconds of the announcement I found myself performing the tenor's version of O Holy Night, in my classical voice.  It was kinda cool, because I probably would have been nervous if I had known I was going to perform that song.  My brain was thinking ahead as the song went along "am I going to be able to pull off the solo high note at the end?  What if the band doesn't stop?  Now, how do I guide them through the double-turnaround for the finale?" 

    At the same time this is happening in one side of my brain, the other side is totally involved in the song, its meaning, and how much I love the song... I'm singing my heart out...

    Before I know it, the climax comes, the band stops, I've got all the power and support I ever wanted, the notes ring out loud, pure, and clear.  At the end I realize that the audience had stopped everything that was going on in the venue and all eyes and ears were on me.  Silence for a moment... then thundering applause and shouts.  People came up onto the bandstand to express gratitude. 

    We rocked them out that night, but the big buzz all night was O Holy Night, on New Year's Eve, no less! 

    My point is that if you want to sing in a classical voice and style, KTVA will build your voice in an astounding, powerful way that you will find nowhere else.  It's everything about Bel Canto that is good and right...  And it's a whole lot more.

    You can't go wrong with KTVA. 



  • nigellonigello Member Posts: 6
    Thanks Bob, that's encouraging, and I see your point. Well done for carrying it off too! I'm interested to hear what others say too, so will wait a bit longer for more input. Regards, Nigel
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388


    You sing with a more classical style.  What feedback do you have about KTVA's effect on your voice?

    Care to chime in here?



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    @René Renner

    Any thoughts?

    Is there value in Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy to a classical or operatic singer?

    How might it be beneficial?



  • nigellonigello Member Posts: 6
    Thanks Highmtn, for passing this along to others who might have a view. I appreciate it. Would Ken himself have something to say about this too? I seem to remember him saying in one of his videos that he studied bel canto for 30 years...

  • derricktderrickt Pro Posts: 81
    I think of the voice simply as an instrument that I'm trying to master. That's where the course is helpful. How you use the instrument is entirely up to you. I sing a lot of Broadway tunes and ballads and my goal is to keep extending my register upwards while still singing without strain. I started noticing improvements almost immediately. 
  • derricktderrickt Pro Posts: 81

    Thought I'd give you a couple of songs which I recorded after starting the course. I was able to do them in keys that I couldn't have managed before starting the course. Two Josh Groban songs. 

  • derricktderrickt Pro Posts: 81
    Not sure why links failed to show up. Here they are again. 
    http://www.sing snap.com/karaoke/r/bd97c3c8e  Let Me Fall
  • nigellonigello Member Posts: 6
    Great job! thanks very much for sharing those. very smooth, lovely tone.

    yeah  i think you're right, it's a matter of mastering the instrument and using it for whatever purposes you need to.

    perhaps if i post a song or two it would be easier for people to see if my weaknesses could be "treated" with KTVA.

    Thanks again.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
  • nigellonigello Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for this link Highmtn. It was really interesting.
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