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Fishman Loudbox Mini Acoustic Instrument Amplifier

Does anyone have any experience using this amp (playing guitar and singing) in small venues like coffee shops, or perhaps a street corner?
i would appreciate your feedback.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    I haven't used one of these amps at a gig, but I did play through a couple of them at Guitar Center for about an hour, on about three different occasions, trying every electric acoustic guitar in the store.

    The Loudbox has a nice, natural sound, good tone control, and nice-sounding, but subtle chorus and reverb.  If you're playing an acoustic/electric it will definitely sound good for you, and they're light and portable.

    I didn't try a mic through it, but I think a good mic would probably work well with it at moderate to low volumes.

    Fishman makes good-sounding guitar pickups and electronics.  The Martin I ended up buying has a Fishman active pickup in it.  Sounds great!





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