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Its been a while, Im getting better but I think Im stuck... Should I take a skype?

Hey there, its been like a year, I've been doing the program not that regularly but in the last months I took it constantly again. I feel that ive improved a lot compared to the starting point but also that i cannot go too far from here. I feel i lack resonance and control even in my supposed comfortably range (lo tenor). I dont know if appart from range the voice will improve in natural resonance and richness,etc. Is this the time to take a skype lesson with Ken?
Heres a quick demo, a lil of everything... headvoice, mix, some compression, etc. Even an epic failure on a bon jovi song lol. Feel free to make comments on this.
  Greetings from Chile.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    This doesn't sound bad.  The distortion and strain at the very end did not sound healthy.  I would discontinue that.

    If you feel you need a boost to get you to the next level, Ken can certainly get you going!



  • SemiSemi Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 153
    edited February 2014
    Hi @tolchocks,

    this is what I hear: from the very beginnig you are too harsh with your AH vowel, you just slam it all the time. In time it will tear your voice down. Try do do it more gently, using the "L" consonant, exactly like in
    LAH workouts. Next thing are mods and early connecting. Try to wait as long as you can before using them. That`s the correct and safe way to stretch chest to the stratosphere. On that sustained G4 you were on the HOOK mod, closing down the vowel too early. If you want to go higher, you need to open up the sound more.
    I don`t have much experience with distortion, but that sounded definately unhealthy. Ken will point you in the right direction.

    Good singing to you, Sam
  • tolchockstolchocks Pro Posts: 16
    Thank you for the comments, I will try to use less chord closure. I knew it was too much but its the way I found to take some of the weight away. My voice is relatively low in register (large vocal chord), but with a hi formant (small spaces, like larynx and resonators), which leads to poor resonance. Shame. Its difficult to support/control a voice like mine :(.
    About the vowel mod, yeah, same stuff.. I'll open it.
    Both problems seem to lead to one posible solution, that is, more support. What do you think about this? Could it be that my support mechanism is not strong enough even to allow me to belt a clean g4?
    I'll take a skype soon, but meanwhile I wanna fix my basics a litle...

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