Voice Change

Hey guys,
I'm a 14 yrs old male, and I was wondering does voice change doing puberty effect your chance of sounding good when you just starting to learn singing. My choral director have told me that is almost impossible for me to learn and develope a decent vocal tone through the stage of voice changing. I will be turning 15 in two month, anyone know how long this process will take until my voice settle???
Best Answer
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
That's a tough question, @saliho44. It's like asking "When are you going to be totally through growing?"
Or "When is a teenager going to stop being hungry?"
You can, however, work on vocal exercises when you are going through "the change".
You will have times when your voice is shifting and changing. That's just part of life, especially the part of life you're going through now.
You still have a lot of changes to go through, but if I were you, I'd just sing right on through them all. When your voice changes a bit, adapt to it. Learn how to work your voice. When it stops changing, you'll be right on top of it.
I wish I had KTVA when I was 14!!!