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Ok, so in preparing for gigs, Ken mentions that the voice has a biological rhythm that likes to be woken up at the same time daily.. Now, I warm up in the morning. This is because my job is in custom songs, so as soon as I finish my warm ups, I'm recording vocals. But, I'm also starting to gig more at night. I know Ken said to start switching the warm ups to night time about a week before the show, but how do I do this when I need to warm up in the morning as well?

Any pointers? thanks!



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    You, my friend, will have to warm up twice a day!

    Once to get the rust off in the mornings before hitting the "record" button, and then again, prior to walking onstage.  If you are continuously recording up until showtime at night, then you may possibly remain warmed-up.

    Your body will eventually adapt a rhythm that matches your recording/live show circadian cycle, however intermittent it may be. 

    Just be sure to not wear out your voice when warming up.  Keep in mind that you do not want to exceed your limitations and go into important recordings or performances after overblowing your voice or range on any particular day.  Save some for the record and/or the spotlight.


  • AnthonyVAnthonyV Pro Posts: 44
    @highmtn Thanks Bob, lately I've been very back and forth with my voice, it's a bit frustrating. Like Yesterday morning i felt my voice was free as a bird, no tension, limitations or anything.. I felt that bright ping, the sensation of the tube of air not being constricted by my tounge.. open throat.. all of that.. That was after my morning warm ups.. I then recorded. Didn't sing anything to heavy or demanding .. But after that I ran through the set list that I'll be playing next week about a couple of hours after recording .. And I did what Ken said in the webinar .. I tuned my guitar up a half step and attempted to go through the set, but my voice didn't feel 100 % .. and kind of hoarse in some areas. I just don't get it. I'm constantly reminding myself of my support, not using too much air, the vowel mods, releasing tension, shedding weight, MASK .. the works.. But apparently I must be doing something wrong. 

    Any thoughts?
  • AnthonyVAnthonyV Pro Posts: 44
    @cgreen I never said I'm doing all that the same day I'm doing a show lol .. I would never. but I'm saying I do vocal work nearly every day.. It's hard to find a rest day. And I don't have a philosophy on vocal health, I have a willingness to learn what I should or shouldn't be doing. 

    I filmed myself doing some vocal warm ups and part of my trouble spots in running through my set today. It's embarrassing for me, and I edited it down to spare you guys the boredom of having to skim through a whole set. But hopefully you'll get the gist of my issue right now. 

    Again, I put the camera up close at first to show my tongue placement and the "Ah" position. And yea, the rest is self explanitory. Don't go easy on me, lol that won't be too hard. Bring on the criticism!


  • AnthonyVAnthonyV Pro Posts: 44
    Oh, well no that's not the case lol 

    but @cgreen and @highmtn, if you can tell me your thoughts on that last video i put up, it would be helpful. If you could.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    When Ken talks about learning tough songs in higher keys, that is in a context of being done over a period of time.  For example, if I wanted to work on a tune that was out of reach for me by a few notes, first I would start singing it in a range that I can currently handle. 

    After getting the song working in the lower key, I would bring it up a half-step. That may take a while to get comfortable with it, even though it still may be below the original key.  The goal is to get it up to the original key and then gradually practice  it a few half-steps higher than the original key.  Getting comfortable with the challenging song in higher keys is a great way to build comfort and confidence in any tune.  Then going back and performing it in the original key becomes an easier task.

    This process is challenging, and should be used within reasonable limits.  Doing tough songs in tougher keys is going to tax your vocal stamina at first, so don't heap too much on your plate at one time.  If you are feeling like you are tired vocally, then you are probably going beyond your current capabilities, stamina-wise.  That's not to say you aren't building stamina over the long haul.  Just don't expect to build up to being that buff this fast.  Give yourself time to become more of a Superman.  Ken's workouts and also tough songs are going to take a lot of energy to be able to pile up hours and hours day after day without feeling any effects of that much working out. 

    The notes you are splatting on in your demo are Bb4, and B4.  You are not supporting enough for those notes.  The amount of air you are trying to push out those notes with is too much for your cords to handle.  You can't just yell the notes.  They will break up.  You appear to be frustrated.  Bb4 and B4 are high, money notes.  They are better done with finesse than with brute force.  If you must use brute force, then put that force into pushing down in your abdominal area, to reduce and better regulate the air at that point. 

    Not to gripe, but since you want vocal advice, it would be easier to hear what is happening with your voice if the mix favored your voice a little more over the volume of the distorted guitar.  Have whatever mix you want for your own monitoring purposes, but the mix we listen to needs more of your voice and less Ken or Guitar. 

    You are doing the right things with your tongue, your uvula is rising well, your jaw positioning is good. 

    I think you need more practice at support. 

    Good job.  I hope this helps.




    Regarding your video, you sound good.

  • AnthonyVAnthonyV Pro Posts: 44
    @highmtn Thanks, Bob. I took a vocal rest day, I'm preparing for a gig this saturday and still have a bunch of stuff to do during the week so I'm in the process of pacing myself so to speak. Either way, I appreciate the feedback, as always!
  • AnthonyVAnthonyV Pro Posts: 44
    @cinema Hey man I really appreciate the in depth review. You're absolutely right, At the time I did actually blow out some of my belting mid voice. I have since regained my voice and am taking it as easy as I can. I will be posting some more examples soon. But lately, I've also been having some "ahaaaaaa" moments. I'm certainly understanding the elevator shaft imagery a lot these days and that alone has helped me a great deal. 

    Will keep you posted!
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    In defence of Anthony as far as singing songs in higher keys, ken has prescribed that to me many times as a way to build stamina and to open up on higher notes. He has gotten me to sung phrases up to a fifth above the original melody. When you come back to the original key it is a lot easier.
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    In defence of Anthony as far as singing songs in higher keys, ken has prescribed that to me many times as a way to build stamina and to open up on higher notes. He has gotten me to sung phrases up to a fifth above the original melody. When you come back to the original key it is a lot easier.
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