Hi Ken...Kiki Here...been at least a year...question for you..
Hi Ken, Kiki here...I know you have a large number of students all over the world so hopefully I can briefly jog your memory. A year ago I had a plate put in on my spine that went on C4-C6 roughly. After the surgery my voice was a disaster. I was a very strong singer with a large range. Post op my voice was feable and weak. It still is. I can't control the tone, pitch, or anything for that matter. I posted that video of me doing the vocal lessons and then a horrible sounding Evergreen by Streisand to show you the lack of everything. You asked me some questions which I responded too but never heard back from your side.
Long story short...I went into a pity party because of the hardships my family (Gen- disabled daughter... etc..) have endured so stopped trying at everything. Okay, so the Lord put me back in shape and I'm ready to try again. I have started the exercises. What I need to know is how to strengthen that wobbly, weak wet paper of vocal cords that I now have. I can still sing with power from my diagram but only within a certain range. You mentioned something about having to use extreme power but didn't get into detail. Could you guide me in the right direction again please? Thanks Kiki ~