Greetings from Alaska! A couple of questions too.

Hello all,
Like many of you, I've tried several programs. While in Denver, I worked with the area's most respected vocal coach. It seems no matter what I did, I progress was elusive if existent at all. Ken's demonstrations blew me away so I figured, What the heck...I'll give this a shot see what happens.
This may not be the right place for this query. If not, please let me know and I'll migrate it to the appropriate area. I've gone through the Level 1 exercises a couple of times. Both times I wowed myself as I was able to ease past my normal "speedbumps" using the vowel modifications. That said, I've endeavored to get through the Level 1 videos and then do the audio examples, but both times my voice has been so fatigued by the time I get to the audio that the ceiling of my range lowers drastically and my accuracy goes out the window. I am not belting. I think what's happening is the examples go well out of a range I'm able to achieve so I strain like crazy to hit the notes. Two questions:
1. Should I keep pushing myself (like building new muscles) or is better to leave the stuff I can't hit without straining alone until I can work my way up to it?
2. I notice the note following the top note when singing the arpeggios - the note after my vowel modification - is horribly inaccurate. It's like all control goes out the window. Any suggestions as to how I should work on this?
I look forward to becoming part of this community. Thanks for your help!
Hello, @BrockJon
And welcome to the forums!
In response to your question #1 above, don't push yourself so hard. You are starting a new program that is going to take you higher than you have been able to sing in the past. Give yourself plenty of time for your voice to grow. Growth can take time. Strain will not help, it will hinder. Stretch, don't strain. When the exercises get beyond your present capability to keep up, just drop out and wait until the scale comes down to an area that is comfortable for you. Your range will grow, in time.
Question 2. You need to learn support. Support will need to increase as you go higher in pitch. Often, there is a tendency to stop supporting when you reach the top of a scale. You need to keep supporting at least 3/4 of the way back down the scales. If you relax all support, you will be pitchy, weak, and wobbly.
In all of this, you should try to find a way to remain relaxed, to avoid excess tension, and to allow the voice to sound out without forcing it.
For the time being, practice, practice, practice. Pay attention to all of the little things Ken points out in the lessons. Don't push too hard.
You'll do fine!