Can't keep the larynx low
Member Posts: 1
Hi! I believe it is a common issue for many singers. I'm doing Vol 1. I'm having trouble with a high larynx. Whatever exercise I do it goes up and tension arises in the throat. Even with the liproll and the tongue exercise. I'm a baritone I believe. I can go as low D. Any advice on how to keep it low?
Best Answers
Ashesh Pro Posts: 31I don't know much myself but everytime I get that pressure in my throat, I cut back air and concentrate on pushing down on my diaphragm. I think if u concentrate ur mind on pushing down on your diaphragm, subconsciously u relax your throat automatically- a little bit (atleast that works for me). Actually, recently I am learning it needs only little air to sing and the rest of the work is done by your diaphragm. Also remember to keep open throat all the time with bright sound. Maybe other veterans of ken tamplin would shed more light on this and correct me if I am wrong
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387
Yawn and feel the feeling of the larynx. It goes down when we yawn and the throat opens. That's what you want when you sing.