Hi all from Sunshine Coast, Australia

I have just downloaded Vol 1 whilst waiting for the full hardcopy set to arrive. I guess like most people I believe I can't sing although I have sung as part of the chorus in a number of stage musicals and I was even a principal in A Chorus Line and I had great feedback. Strangely I had no trouble there with a little help from a vocal coach but no confidence in the real world.  I don't have huge aspirations, I really just want to be able to sing well whenever I want to, unfortunately vocal coaches whom I have approached seem more interested in skimming for every cent you have and don't offer anything like I have found here at KTVA. I really look forward to putting in the work and being good at something that I love to do.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Welcome, @ianrid!

    You are coming in with a great attitude and great expectations!

    You will get back all that you put into this process and more!

    You will get by with a little help from your friends here, as well!

    Nice to meet you.  Enjoy the sunshine!



  • ianridianrid Pro Posts: 2
    edited April 2014


    Thanks for the welcome Bob,

    I could identify very well with your story as I always considered myself a backup vocalist at best. It was my acting and dancing that was my trade, and I am at the age you were when you began your search, thankfully I came across Ken's system straight up.  I look forward to getting to know people here and enjoying everyone's progress.



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