What about the vowel I?

Hi Ken, Kiki here....left an update in the What are you doing Discussion. What about the vowel I? How do we modify it? I have tried using the A or A with the dots over it but it just doesn't seem to work.....how do we handle that> Loved the most recent video! Exceptional examples with the young man from Australia about the vowel conversions. Very very nice! David really benefited from it!!!! Thanks Kiki ~
Best Answer
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
I as in eye is a diphthong, meaning two consecutive vowels, AH and EE.
Ah-EE = I
"Ah-EE" am going to sing these vowels. Often the first vowel is just glanced upon to get you into the EE portion when singing high notes.