Have a Nice Day - Bon Jovi Cover
Pro Posts: 48
Yo! First post on here, bought the program just after tracking the vocals for this track so its a good marker for where I was before i started the program. Still on volume one but have managed to increase my range from A4 to G5 just by opening up the back of my throat and all with near to no tension. Can't wait to move to volume 2!
I have a youtube channel posting monthly videos and just released a Bon Jovi cover! Please check it out and let me know what you think!
Greetings, @phil.m
You are starting KTVA from a good place. Your recording sounds very good in all respects.
I can hardly wait to hear what your voice will sound like after you've been working KTVA for a good while!
Welcome to the Forums!
Hope to hear from your more!