A# - A over High C

At least, I think those are the notes Steven Tyler is hitting in Dream On.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHuUnxpf5lw 12' (looks like joe perry took the biggest dive!!
So, I can hit those notes in scales. When I was working out a lot, I could do it effortlessly. I've never tried them in songs. I've been getting back into my work outs (read between the lines, been slacking off lately because I quit my 80's band) and while I can still hit the A, it's REALLY hard to do in the song. I mean, really hard.
I listen to Steven do it and I don't hear him thinning out in the phrases before, he just jumps right up there and grabs it. 20 years ago and 2 years ago...in fact the one two years ago, it was slightly sharp but even more clear than 20 years ago at wood stock.
SO - I got to ask - his range must be like WAAAY higher than that? I'm curious for you high range beltinies think!

I think it's only Ab5 on the high head screams, but what's a half-step amongst friends?
: ^ )
He has a an enormous jaw and mouth. Built for high notes!
Good for you, @Joshua.
Let us know what has ben working for you to provide your breakthroughs and what had been holding you back.