Cheers from ITALY!

Hi everyone! this is Gabriel from Italy, 30 yo. , professional vocal coach and rock singer in the band RHYME. I'm a "the vocalist studio certified instructor"

As I'm convinced someone never stops learning, I purchased the course.

I have been following Ken for a few years....I finally decided to give it a shot :-)

If you wanna take a listen to my band RHYME....you're more than welcome to visit our fb page www.facebook.com\rhymeband

Hope to hear from you guys some feedback :-)




  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388

    Hello, Gabriel!

    Welcome to KTVA.  As you've heard if you've started your KTVA lessons, Ken asks that you leave your previous training at the door and give his methods your full attention. 

    You will learn many new things and your voice will continue to grow.

    It's good to have you here!




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