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Dio Tribute-oh, my god, why they don`t call Ken ?

MichaelSMichaelS Pro Posts: 73
Hi guys, just listen to this.
And frankly i`m disappointed, great idea, great names but equally great perfomances. Not such a level of performance I was waiting for these artists..IMHO, of course.
In other hand Ken`s How to sing like Dio one of my alltime favs.
Ken`s verions of "Last in Line" and "Rainbow in the Dark" miles better.
I can`t believe it, how they could not call him? Were afraid the competition?


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Yes, Ken's takedowns of the Dio tunes sound totally killer.

    The album could have been a richer experience by including Ken.

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Good comments, @blondiewales.

    Some of the cuts on this album are quite good.  Likewise, Ken's cabability to sing so convincingly in Dio's vocal style is also amazing, so it would have been a great tribute to Ronnie's style to include Ken.

    By no means is this a bad album because Ken isn't on it.  It just would have been super cool if they had asked him.  And Ken would be able to sing it live, night after night, from beginning to end.

    The album shows that Ronnie is remembered.  He was unique, and a trendsetter. 



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