What happened to Ken's cover of Nessun Dorma and Lights by Steve Perry???

I remember seeing Ken Tamplin's videos where he covered Nessun Dorma and Lights and I thought he did a fabulous job. It appears that he removed them from his channel, and I hope this isn't because of the hater comments. Does anyone know why they are gone and where I can watch them again?
Yes. There were some very hateful comments by a few perfect critics.
I've spoken to Ken about this and encouraged him to put Nessun Dorma back up. I'm not sure specifically about Lights, but if he got a lot of flack on that one, too, then it's possible.
The hater comments blow me away. I remember the first time I heard Ken on Nessun Dorma. The hair on my arms stood straight up, it gave me chills, and not because I was scared! It was beautiful!
Some perfectionists were very critical because his Italian pronunciations were imperfect. Can you imagine criticizing beautiful performances by singers in languages that are not their native tongue, and being panned for imperfect pronunciation?
God Bless the Haters. They have nothing better to do than to hate for the lamest of reasons. May they someday find more joy in their lives than by hating.
I asked Ken about this. He will be re-recording Nessun Dorma.
Ken is often modifying consonants when the normal consonant would close down his Open Throat, so that could have been what was happening on that particular word.
Being that the high B is the climax of the song, you can expect that KT is going to be sure to have maximum Open Throat going there. Jard C's and K's are notorious for closing down the vocal tract.