Hello guys!

kgeekgee Member, Enrolled Posts: 13
Hello everyone! Im on stage 2 as of the moment and I need your help, as I need to be enlightened.Ken mentioned both in stages 1 and 2 to sing lightly, but I want to sing rock songs. When will I gain power to my voice? I can connect to my head but i sound like an rnb guy. I hope you guys can answer my questions. 

Thank you!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited June 2014

    Hello, @kgee,

    Welcome to the KTVA forums!  Ken recommends you go through the exercises two times each day.  One time lightly to work on connecting at the passagio.  Next time, alternate that by going through with more power and work on gently stretching your chest voice.  This is where you will begin to gain power in your chest voice range. 

    You are listed in the forums as "Member". 

    Please send an email to ktvahelp@gmail.com and paste into your email a copy of your KTVA purchase receipt.  Ask to be upgraded in the forums, per the level of courses you have purchased. 

    When your forums status is upgraded you will see much more information in many categories that are not visible to you at this time with your member status.  There are many videos and tons of discussions you can't presently see.

    Many of your questions will already be asked and answered in these existing categories.  It's well worth it to take the time to request a Forums upgrade.

    You will find that your voice will be ROCKIN' like you've never heard it if you follow Ken's instructions!

    Nice to meet you!




  • kgeekgee Member, Enrolled Posts: 13
    I was informed by Lynette, from ktva team that I will be able to upgrade once I purchased stage 3. Im on stage 2 right now. Im having a hard time stretching my chest voice. Im getting frustrated.
  • kgeekgee Member, Enrolled Posts: 13
    kgee said:
    I was informed by Lynette, from ktva team that I will be able to upgrade once I purchased stage 3. Im on stage 2 right now. Im having a hard time stretching my chest voice. Im getting frustrated.
    By the way thank you for your response. =)
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