Hi Everyone, 2 weeks into Vol. 1

thecavethecave Volume 1 Posts: 18
Hey Everyone,

My name is Andrew Hooker. I am a 36 year old professional musician from Nashville, TN. I was the guitarist, songwriter, and vocalist for the former rock band, Vinyl Soup. We disbanded this year after 10 years of touring, and recording. We released 3 albums, and our last album, 'The Beacon Within', charted #5 on college radio. http://www.jambands.com/radio-charts/2013/09/26/more-made-up-mind. We charted with some big hitters like Buddy Guy, John Fogerty, Phish,..... I have always called myself a guitarist and songwriter who sings. Over the last year, I have gotten more into singing than ever before in my life! For the first time, I am taking myself seriously as a vocalist, and I look forward to working with the KTVA program.

Thanks Ken, YOU ROCK!
Andrew Hooker


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    Welcome, Andrew!

    You are like many of us here who decided that playing instruments and singing background vocals wasn't enough!

    Your voice will grow like crazy by following Ken's instructions. 

    It's great to have you here, and we look forward to helping you if you have any questions or want feedback.



  • thecavethecave Volume 1 Posts: 18
    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the comment. I am going to continue to work the program. If I have any questions, I'll be sure and let you know.

    Huge thank you again to everyone at KTVA
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